While homeopathy is fantastic to support everyday ailments, we can also use homeopathy for stress and strain. Both to get ahead of stress, as well as support you through the inevitable stuff of modern living. So let’s talk about stress, because I don’t know about you, but individually, within the practice and also collectively, the stress and strain feels heightened right now. Have you felt it too?

Maybe you’ve been experiencing extra busy-ness in your day-to-day that is difficult to cope with? Or you’re going through a rough time? Perhaps like Greta and like myself, you are a working mum, with that extra pressure to look after the whole family? If that’s you, I just want to say you are not alone, and this is completely normal. No matter how conscious we are, or how naturally we live, we can’t escape the external pressures of life. They are all part of being human. So how can homeopathy help at this time? In my latest video and article below, I talk about how we can use homeopathy for stress pre-emptively and supportively.

Preventative use of homeopathy for stress and tension.

We obviously know homeopathy is fantastic when ill health or mental or emotional upset has already taken hold. However, I also believe firmly that we can use it as a preventative for those things. Especially, if we know that everyday life is going to be stressed and strained (hopefully for just a short period of time!).

So in that space here at Return to Health, we have two homeopathic combination remedies, or combis, that we use a lot. 

stress and tension support homeopathic remedy

The first one, is the Stress & Tension homeopathic combi. I would really encourage you to use this combi preemptively, preventatively if you know you’re going into a period of:

  • extreme stress or tension that might be like what we are experiencing here at the moment
  • big life changes like moving house or changing jobs, or new babies being born
    difficult times such as sick loved ones
  • or anything where the normal everyday stress is heightened, tensions are running high, and perhaps that’s going to last for a little while.

By pre-emptively, I mean you’re literally taking a dose in the morning as you wake up. Probably putting one in your water bottle that you might use during the day, with additional oral doses as you need to. You could also add another dose before bed, just to keep that energy moving and stop it from getting stuck in the body and causing ill health.

Using remedies to support symptoms of stress


The second combi that we use a lot in this space is our Vitality homeopathic remedy combi. This is really geared towards supporting the physiological effects of stress and tension. So when running on that adrenal energy burning out our kidneys, adrenals and thyroids, we become very fatigued. Often we don’t notice the impact until it’s a bit further down the track and we actually have some serious ill health that we have to deal with, and of course we can assist with that too! So if you’re already in that place, that’s okay. Come and see us, I’m sure we can help.

vitality homeopathic remedy support for adrenals

But where our Vitality combi sits, is to support our physiology so that it doesn’t have that ill effect of the stress and strain we’re under. Supporting our kidneys, adrenals and thyroids to keep them functioning well even when they’re having to cope with a lot of stress and strain.

If you’ve got any questions about those remedies, and whether they can help you, reach out to us.

Returning to self as an antidote for busy modern living

This also got me thinking that life is life. It would be lovely to say we get through a period of stress and strain and it won’t happen again. Of course, that’s never true, especially for working parents. There’s always something new around the corner. So what can we do?

There are many techniques around restructuring and reframing and many more helpful techniques out there, that in isolation seem great when you read about them in a book. Especially when combined with homeopathic remedies these techniques can be very, very effective. But how can we break that continual cycle of just always falling back into the stresses and strains or always having to have a coping mechanism to deal with it?

return to self

This is something Greta and I have been discussing here in the clinic. We’ve been working on structuring a program called “Return to Self”. It will involve moving through the process of each of us becoming a lot more informed and clear about who we are, homeopathically speaking, on a soul level. We will work through how we can better interact with life and all of the stresses and strains that it brings, with a more unique individualised approach.

That way, we don’t have that situation of just surviving through it all, time and time again.

Stay tuned for more updates as we get further along into the design of the program. If it sounds like something that interests you, and you would like to be kept in the loop as “Return to Self” develops, drop us a line, or subscribe to our email list if you haven’t already!

In the meantime, I hope you keep using your homeopathics to keep yourself well supported so that you don’t become ill because of the stresses and strains that modern day life seems to throw at us on a daily basis.

Need more 1:1 help?

Do you want to work through issues with a professional homeopath? Our wonderful Return to Health homeopaths would love to support you. Here in the practice, we use modern prescribing techniques which are perfect for busy, modern living. See us in Tallebudgera Valley, or book an online consult from wherever you are in the world.

clinical services concept holistic health flowers and heart_

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