
I would like to express my gratitude for a quite remarkable experience witnessing and participating in the exchange that transpired today.  I intuit it may be life changing, or at least offers the potential for that.  You absorb so much of others’ traumas and holistically are able to encapsulate a response that alleviates the fear and offers solutions, reinforcing the Sovereignty of that individual and enabling them to re-empower themselves.  It is a beautiful thing to witness.

WT, Gold Coast

Over the past 10 months my family have been under the care of El and her amazing team at Return to Health.  We didn’t know much about Homeopathy and went through a lot of emotions after our initial meeting.  Homeopathy challenged our thinking, broke down our barriers and reset our minds to trust in the process.

We first came to El for my 3 year old’s severe eczema.  From the first meeting, El not only conducted herself in a professional manner, she was passionate, honest and educational.

We took comfort knowing that for the first time in a decade (two older ‘eczema kids’!) we had a health plan in place for our child that was not going to compromise her health in other ways.  El was clear about her plan and the outcome for our child.  And something that I wasn’t used to, she offered me support!

Before Homeopathy our child was covered with infected eczema that covered 95% of her body.  She had an asthmatic type of cough, and was hyperactive.  She was currently on hospital watch again!

We were at our wits end and severely sleep deprived; our baby was getting worse.

Through the education and support of El and her team, they have taken us on a journey and provided my daughter with quality of life again!  She has about 5% of non active eczema on her body left which is improving after each round of treatment.  She is meeting milestones and for the first time is able to enjoy the simple pleasures of being a child without breaking out in a rash.

Our whole family have reaped the benefits from Homeopathy, ranging from emotional support, parasitic treatment, conjunctivitis, and bronchitis.  Homeopathy is an overall health care system for our family with none of the nasty repercussions of modern medicine.  I can’t recommend Homeopathy enough.


I am so grateful for the wonderful team at Return To Health. El has supported me in my journey from chronic illness, debilitating pain & fatigue to being completely symptom free & bursting with vitality & wellness, experiencing the best health I have had in life to date! El’s professional yet empathetic & insightful manner, combined with her wisdom, experience & passion for Homeopathy was key to my recovery. In true Homeopathic style she gently guided, prompted & supported me to listen to & understand my body, face the challenges as & when they presented, & move forward in the right timing. My body did the ‘work’ to heal itself, but I truly couldn’t have done it without El’s support & the Homeopathic remedies she provided. I have never experienced a practitioner as genuine & caring as El. She has enriched my life & the life of my family. Greta & Jodie are so wonderfully warm, supportive & gifted. I have recommended the Return To Health team to friends & family & love hearing of their journeys into wellness. Homeopathy changed my life! Thank you Return To Health team, from the bottom of my heart!

Emma D

After 13years on Ritalin with no improvements in ADHD or narcolepsy symptoms, we’re so pleased to have received this testimonial from EA, USA:

I thought I would always need to be on medication to be a functional human.  I was sceptical if I could get through the day and stay awake, but I went off gradually and now I have been off for over a year and feel much better.  I’m more patient, less irritable, less anxious, my physical symptoms of IBS and difficult periods are lessened and the narcolepsy is completely manageable without pharmaceuticals and a full night’s sleep.  El is very insightful and my life is improved from having her evaluate and treat my health holistically.



M from NSW agreed to us sharing her Return to Health in hope that others with auto-immune conditions will find help.

After 3 years of homeopathic treatment and committed effort, M’s latest blood tests show improvements in BP, cholesterol, stable bone density and most notably a clean bill of health from the immunologist monitoring previously diagnosed Lupus!  We are so happy for these improvements in health and thank you M for allowing us to share your story.



Even though I knew nothing about homeopathy, I went to El because I knew there had to be a better way of dealing with my kids’ endless illnesses. Colds, fevers, rashes, sleeplessness, gastro  – “normal” childhood illnesses that plagued us on a weekly basis have almost stopped. My kids have more resilient immune systems but most importantly I have the confidence to care for my family in a way that supports rather than suppresses their bodies’ intelligence. Everyone needs an El.     AD, Gold Coast


AD - Gold Coast

a quick message of thanks for the gorgeous candle bought from you. Wow! It is absolutely sensational. We have enjoyed burning the candle most of the weekend.

The scent is so beautiful…… what a wonderful creation you have made with these candles.

Just wanted you to know how much joy it has brought us.


JA - Murwillumbah

Greetings from Bali 😃  I wanted to say I am so grateful for your treatments. I flew here without vomiting and without the crazy amounts of pre-flight anxiety. This is huge for me. I have never flown so well. My “nerves” prior to flight were completely functional and I was able to organize everything creatively. I actually enjoyed the 6 hour flight. Which is huge for me! And felt excitement upon arrival, rather than nausea, drained and lack of appetite.

RH - Gold Coast

El is clearly passionate about her field, offers lots and lots of information. The Workshop was professionally run & the food/drinks provided were delicious. Having access to products was very beneficial & the take home remedies a bonus to start implementing in the household

Fee Guest

El has been such a gift to myself and my family.  For over three years she has been a mentor and a guide where the homeopathic consult was a remedy in and of itself.  I always looked forward to our consults where she listened to me without judgement.  She has helped me through various difficult emotional times (two car accidents, moving house, rejections, fears, etc.) and I can now move through life with more clarity and ease.

El has provided homeopathic support to our family for sleep, digestive troubles, bumps and bruises, stage fright, and allergies among other ailments.  She helped our family heal from the basic coughs, colds and sinus infections to diseases such as measles, whooping cough and hand, foot and mouth disease.  While working with El, my daughter’s eczema healed and her impacted ear wax drained out.  After one dose, my son’s fear of water disappeared before my eyes.  And, she provided homeopathic support for my son’s hand after he got it stuck in the carpet attachment of the vacuum (while it was running!).  Honestly, the list goes on and on.

Most importantly, I have experienced tremendous personal growth over the past few years.  And, I have always felt confident that I could handle anything with El on my team.


To anyone who needs a Guide, a Person who inherently understands you, a Healer who can help you get unstuck. Please do yourself a favor and contact EL HARPER. From the moment you start to engage with El, you can feel the love and light that she emanates. I worked with El when I was in a very difficult juncture in my life and she listened to me and heard me. Also, her crafting of Remedies is nothing short of magical. The Remedies work exactly as she says they will. After working with El, I was able to move again in my life. I benefit from her wisdom every day. Thanks El, Karen Flores

Karen Flores

I really enjoyed the Workshop & found it to be very educational & informative. I found El’s enthusiasm infectious, I have so many questions I want to ask her, another person who speaks my language! Thanks so much for referring me!

Kristi Manger

My latest test results showed normal!!  How good is that!

I can now return to work on light duties and will be back to full duties after that..💃 that’s me dancing the happy dance. Thanks for being such an important part of my healing journey – it’s much appreciated…I continue working on things, releasing a lot of what doesn’t work for me, smashing through a few chains that held me back from being truly me 😊.  Your guidance and wisdom on this is nothing short of amazing.  I will continue on this path and honour this journey by completing it…Namaste.

MG – Gold Coast

Thank you for treating my family for everything from a septic leg, septic fever, emotional and spiritual issues, to colds, tonsillitis and lots more.  Your guidance and encouragement has been priceless.


Homeopathy has jump-started my own transformation and view on modern health.  It has been a year since my son (age 8) has needed a dose of antibiotics; he usually got tonsillitis every 6-10 weeks which meant antibiotics every time.


I’ve also had the confidence to treat myself and my two children over the past year for various ailments from bites and bruises to over indulgence.  Your first aid course was a fantastic boost to my knowledge and confidence.  It’s really reassuring to be able to remedy everyday issues straight away.

Andrew Haupt, Gold Coast, Australia

The Homeopathic First Aid course held by Return to Health, was brilliant!

El surely knows her stuff.  The course covers all those things that happen around the home, how to treat, what to look out for, which Homeopathic remedies to use.  When signing up for the workshop, you receive your own little Homeopathic First Aid Kit to get you started.  Very affordable and loads of great information too.  I would recommend it to everyone!

Karen, Gold Coast

I participated in Return to Health’s Homeopathic First Aid Course last year and I found it to be very informative and relevant.  After the course I felt more confident with basic homeopathy as well as general first aid.  As I have two young children, knowing what to do when they are injured has given me more confidence in stressful situations.  I still continue to use the homeopathic first aid kit that I received on the day.  I would highly recommend the course to anyone, especially if you have a young family.

Blanka, Gold Coast

We are still in the process of treatment for my 2-year old son, but within two months have seen tremendous improvements.  We have seen numerous doctors and specialists about his problem, but most have flat out said that they have no idea what is causing the problem.  We have experienced a lot of emotional upheaval since being pregnant with him and the emotional stability treatment we received from Return to Health has made a tremendous difference in our daily lives.  We can’t wait to see what the future holds – our Return to Health is an exciting and educational process 😉

LP, Victoria

Homeopathy has changed my life. There is no exaggeration in that statement. I have struggled my entire life with my own happiness. I found it hard to be happy, I wasn’t sure what I wanted. I felt like I was on a constant loop, just following the roles laid out for me. Along with my own unhappiness and confusion, I was constantly getting sick, sometimes to the most serious extent and others, just the common cold. It was driving me crazy! I couldn’t stand getting sick every other month, so I looked into Homeopathy. What a life changing experience it was. Since starting homeopathy, I have seen huge changes within my immune system and within myself. The changes started out slow and steady but eventually I was experiencing huge strides. I am now on my path to happiness and I feel more confident and healthy than I have in years. I want to thank the healers at Return to Health – El, specifically. You have changed my life. I only hope that this testimonial can help others as well.

Thank you

Robyn, USA

Thank you!!!!  My son is taking a full-fledged bath two days into treatment.  So excited!!!!

Jen, USA (fear of water)

The travel kit was fabulous – we made use of almost all of the 12 remedies and travelled with confidence that all would be well and it was.  Our flight was cancelled 5 hours before departure and we had to rebook via Darwin, so was quite a grueling start – the rems started their work from there and carried us through to reintegration when we got home.  Fabulous – thank you so, so much for your wonderful work.

Leonie, Aus

When we started our journey with homeopathy, my family had been sick for many, many years.  We had tried almost everything Western medicine could throw at us…years of antibiotics, IVIG and PEX.  I had also tried lots of alternative treatments, supplements, chiropractics, acupuncture.  All helped but nothing seemed to get to the root of the problem.  I would never have thought I would go this route, and I have to honestly say that I still do not quite understand how it works, but even though we all went into trying homeopathy with a healthy bit of skepticism, none of us could deny the fact that we were feeling the effects within the first day (herxing almost immediately).  In fact, we are now true believers, and the only thing I now regret is that we did not go this route sooner.

We were so lucky to have been assigned El as our student homeopath when we contacted Dhanvantari College of Homeopathy.  She has made such an amazing difference for my son and myself, and is now also helping my other son and even our dog.  We have been working with her for just on 1 year, and although we were sick for years (autoimmune, post-infectious encephalitis, lyme, multiple tick borne diseases, scarlet fever, Autism, chronic pneumonia, and more) El has methodically treated us to where we feel better than ever.  Last year  this time, I wasn’t even sure my son would be able to attend college, but he finished his senior year of college with straight A’s, received a large scholarship from a very good university, and was able to travel independently overseas this year.

El not only treats homeopathically, she gives such incredible, knowledgeable advice.  My older son, who is 21 and entering his senior year of college, just started working with El, and the differences are significant.  A young adult who had open heart surgery last year and was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome – in the first 4 weeks of treatment, I have seen such amazing changes in him.

El made it very clear from the start that we WILL herx and this was very scary for me, because of some of the symptoms that my children and I have had over the years, but for the first time in so many years we all feel better than ever, and I am convinced that the answer is homeopathy.

I have recommended El to so many of my friends and will continue to do so.  Thank you, El!


Over the past four years I’ve received treatment for arthritis in my hands, pterygiums in both eyes, a bunion, sun damage to my skin and osteoporosis.  My hands were very painful on a daily basis; I am now virtually pain free and have the full use of my hands back.  Both pterygiums came loose following treatment and to this day have not reappeared.  The bunion is about half the original size, and the sun damage has largely healed.  Each year my bone density scans show a slight improvements.  All these positives at 70, and without any chemicals – thank you Return to Health!


HP, Gold Coast

I have been a client of El Harper for almost 12 months.

I was feeling depressed, frustrated and helpless when I went to see her in November 2012. I was not sleeping,
had a persistent ache in my shoulder, was highly stressed and emotionally drained. After my initial consult I was sent my 1st lot of remedies. Looking at these little white pills with strange instructions I was still a little sceptical.

Well I’m not anymore. Wow, from that 1st lot of remedies my life has never been the same. I am sleeping throughout the night, my shoulder has no pain and my stress levels and emotional state are the best they have ever been.

I will continue to be a client of El Harper for many years to come as the results she has had with me are nothing short of amazing. Thank you El for giving me back my true self

Tracey, New South Wales

Filling out paperwork for my son to go to occasional care – huge step forward for us, answering “no” to all the questions!!! No to diet restrictions, no to any medical conditions, no to allergies, no to special requirements!! Wow!! We’ve come a long way this year with homeopathy :).
This for a child who used to have food restrictions, chemical intolerances, was physically delayed, had absent seizures and would pass out. Thank you!

Lexi, South Australia

When I started treatments with El , my twins were 2.5 year , non-verbal, not potty trained, very constipated and had all the signs of ASD.  After 1 year of going through homeopathic treatment and support I am really happy to state that my twin 1 is almost fully caught up with speech.  My twin 2 is progressing well and is trying to speak in 2-3 word sentences.  They are potty trained and slowly catching up with peers.  I have no doubt that my boys will be fully caught up by the time they start school with El’s help.  She treated me too.  At that time when we started the treatment I was sceptical as to why I would need the treatment, but now a year later, I know that I needed to go through the process to remove all the emotional trauma in me from miscarriage, pregnancy and also dealing with kids with special needs.  Elzette has been wonderful for my family.

PM - Melbourne, Australia

The birth went beautifully and the family is over the moon happy with the new addition to their family.  The baby is the most content baby I have ever seen…and I swear that the homeopathics played a huge role in that!  The family is also very grateful for the remedies that you prepared for them.

Kara Secouler, USA


I cannot recommend Return to Health highly enough.  Most people say that but I honestly feel qualified; after eight years of severe illness- Lyme disease , parasitic infections, infertility, multiple allergies and sensitivities, autistic symptoms, to name a few, El was the only healthcare practitioner of very, very many to fully understand the illness, the root cause and to effectively treat it.

She treated myself and three young children over 2 years and nursed us back to health, held my hand and supported me through the ups and downs, and quite literally saved my life.

The thing that made the biggest difference was the life coaching that went with the consults; El’s words of wisdom, experience and deep understanding supported me through my toughest times, and led me on a new journey of self discovery.  The pearls she shared were the words I clung to each month to get my mind and body back to health.  A very wise lady indeed.  An effective, cost effective and natural all encompassing solution to healthy mind, body and spirit.

M Haddow, UK

El is brilliant at what she does. She is highly intelligent and intuitive when it comes to your body and its concerns. She will have all type of remedies and ways to fix any problem, whether it be mentally, emotionally or physically. Highly professional and compassionate. Health and wellness with the use of natural medicine?! I say YES to that! I will continue to be a client of El Harper.

Zoe, Gold Coast

Teacher telling me about the home cooked Halloween party on Friday and asking what our son can have, if anything at all, I was able to say he can have anything he pleases for that one day.  When my son heard this he said to me “I feel really free” :).  School also fed back that when other children are playing imaginary games and they call my son, he joins them and plays with!  A BIG THANK YOU TO YOU FOR THESE AMAZING ACHIEVEMENTS.


I would like to thank you for the opportunity of meeting with you and discussing the issues I have to deal with; you have given me a greater understanding of myself and given me the tools I’ve so badly needed for so long.  I would highly recommend your services to anyone who needs help.  My only regret is that it took me so long to get the courage to open up and talk to someone.  Thank you very much for your help.

RS, Aus

Our son’s noise defensiveness and visual sensitivity is gone. He can now sleep in a fully lit room with lots of noise and still sleep without his sound machine and blackout shades. I can pick him up from inside the car sound asleep and he stays asleep. .something I never was able to do…not once!!! He can go to a VERY loud and crowded event such as a carnival, an indoor gym or a concert and not run and hide to the
farthest corner of the building. He will now touch new and interesting textures (not that he enjoys it, but he will now make an attempt) and he is even trying new foods. All I can say is this is all homeopathy!! We are seeing his social awareness blossom….learning and wanting to make friends and interact, and the interaction gets more typical with each passing day. His vocabulary increases daily and his sentence structure is lengthier and more descriptive. With each round we finish we see gains and they are getting more pronounced.

John, Charise and Christopher, USA

El is a very passionate individual and her enthusiasm and competence at what she does is outstanding. Before homeopathy, I was having reactions to just about everything I put in my mouth. I was always exhausted, aching and finding it difficult to sleep. I had tried a number of ways to deal with these issues but nothing really worked. El has not given me a quick fix but a new way to look at my health which has really worked. I am now happier and healthier (physically and mentally). It is great to not have to dose up on antihistamines daily, carry ‘pain killers’ with me permanently and as an added bonus, my asthma medication (a preventative that I have been taking for years) is no longer necessary. I cannot recommend Return to Health highly enough.

Michael, NSW