Take a sneak peek at what’s in the latest Return to Health newsletter…

Grief & the Grieving Process

Every person needs to go through grief from time to time, but in modern society, grief is seldom given enough time and space to be handled in the way it needs to be. We too often see unresolved grief as the fundamental cause of ongoing illness and for true cure,this grief needs to be experienced and released in healthy ways.

Events & Offers

Find out about upcoming Return to Health Educational events, including an upcoming Homeopathic First Aid Workshop in October, and following on, our Home Prescribing Seminar in November. We also detail some of the treatments on offer for homeopathy, Reiki, therapeutic massage and energy alchemy.


In this month’s Astro guide, we turn our attention to Mercury. This is the planet of thought and is often associated with your mind, cognitive process, awareness, perception and reasoning. We look at the power of thoughts to create our lives, and how as thinkers we can be self-empowered in this process.


Move over potato gems and french fries – this month we feature an easy make-at-home savoury dish perfect for entertaining or feeding hungry kids – Cauliflower Tots! Enjoy the goodness of fibre-rich cauliflower with a tasty hint of capsicum and plenty of yummy cheese.

To read the full newsletter, click below.